The Contributors

The Contributors

Tuesday 8 November 2011

As easy as A, B, C!

I am sure everyone remembered group 5 microteaching, where the whole class made roti jala (also known as net crepe) and most failed terribly doing that dish!

It was mainly also because we had poor control of the mould thus it doesnt form a very nice net-like structure. Well, guess what, I found something online and I really think it is really good for us beginners who are trying to make roti jala! I found the roti raja mould and immediately bought it online! 
It is like a mayonnaise bottle but the only difference is that the cap of the bottle has 3 spikes on it!

Since on sunday was Hari Raya Haji for us muslims, I took the opportunity cook it at my grandmother house and it was definitely a breeze and successful attempt using this bottle! The plus point was that there was minimal cleaning to be done and it took a very short time to make the roti jala! Technology is now very advanced! So, who says the not-so-pro cant make roti jala? Now we can!

As I researched, apparently this roti jala mould has been a hit in US since 2009! Looked through youtube videos and i found someone recording using this mould.

This person is very creative and modify the structure of roti jala, I am sure we can still stick to our 'swirling' technique when using this mould! So perhaps my fellow classmates can buy this and put it to good use :)

Saturday 5 November 2011

My Product Line

Sham and I had trouble initially as we do not have any idea on what to produce for our product line. I was on the phone with him, walking up and down my living room to search for ideas when I suddenly saw this...

So that was the start of it all. We started building on our ideas and try to come up with more materials and resources to produce a product line. Finally, we decided to give a theme for our line, Cars. We were very excited to start and were as excited too during the whole process. Although our workmanship might not be perfect, we are very proud of what we were capable of producing. So I present you our product line...

Christmas Cooking Workshop

On the 28th October 2011, we were given an opportunity to attend a cooking workshop with Chef Eric Low. So the menu for that day was, cream of mixed vegetables with vegetable crackers, roast turkey with mushroom chestnut stuffing with gravy and orange and cranberry marmalade and creamed potatoes with smoked salmon and fresh corriander. It was exciting because honestly, I have never tried christmas dishes and that was my first time trying them. I was quite skeptical about the combination of savoury dishes and the orange cranberry marmalade, but surprisingly, I could not stop dipping everything we cooked into the marmalade.
The star dish was of course the TURKEY! So allow me to let the pictures do the talking...


Last Tuesday's Home Economics class was like no other. I did something that I have never done before, and it was definitely fun! I am talking about......


It is definitely a good way to incorporate this activity into the students' Home Economics lessons in future. I must say we were all really engrossed in displaying our creativity onto our canvases. Well, at least I am! What I learnt from scrapbooking is, given hardwork and creativity, even imperfections can turn out perfect!

So here is my piece...

Friday 4 November 2011

Swiss Roll

Eversince the last microteaching we made swiss roll, I had the urge bake it again! This time round, since for us muslims, Hari Raya Haji is coming in 2 days time, I decided to bake it! Not for me but for my grandmother and extended family! :)
This is because they always like to give hints to me that being a home econs teacher, never once I made anything for them. So its time to put the skills that I was taught in NIE and make something for them :)

Bought all the ingredients this morning

Glaze the baking tin with butter and place a proof paper on it

Crack 2 eggs
 Using a hand mixer, whisk them

then add in caster sugar

Pour the flour in bit by bit and use the 'folding in' technique

Once bake for 10 mins at the temperature of 190 degree celcius, this is the outcome.

 Spread nutella(my favourite!) on it, and roll it up 

Tadaa! End product 

Shall bake the second batch this sunday morning and let my extended families and grandmother try it out :)

Thursday 3 November 2011

Theme-d Deco

During textile class, we were called out to view the degree students exam work. It was very interesting and I am inspired and in awe! All the students decorated their food nicely!

I am definitely grab the opportunity to take pictures ! Who knows this might be a great use for me in the future? *winks*

Birthday Theme

Indonesian Theme

Thailand Food Theme
 Tribal Theme

 National Day Theme

Wedding Theme

 Traditional Chinese

Halloween Theme


Product Line

Yesterday during textile and clothing subject, the whole class had to present about their product line! I am very amazed on how creative my other classmates were! Take a look at our classmates work! :)

Iva & Angeline

Mei Feng & Jeanne

 Renuga & Andrea

Fiona & Si Min

 Fadhilah & Hisham

 Nurul & Raudhah

Zarifah & Shahirah

Shahidah & Azyan

Shi Ping, Jesscy & Rachel

Myself & Amirah 

Our Product Line :)

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Last Microteaching

And so today, was the last mircoteaching for F&N group 6. Their theme was kids party since there were balloons and other pretty decorations decorated in the lab. 

Since the group consists of 5 members, our cooking time today ended at 3.30pm instead of 2.30pm. I dont deny the fact that at the end of the period, my legs were already aching! But putting that aside, I am sure all of us, classmates had lots of fun! 

We made cake pops, swiss roll, maki sushi, vegetable tempura, fruit salad and even orange agar-agar! 

The swiss roll: 
Fadhilah managed to roll it without cracking! The only downside was that strawberry jam that was given to us was too little :(

Orange agar-agar:
Something unique i find, to use the orange fruit as a mould of the agar-agar. The only downside was our mistake that we did not let the mixture dissolve properly before putting it in the mould. In the end, it took such a long time to set and the texture was very gritty.

Our vegetable tempura which tasted very nice! 

Maki sushi:

Not very appealing i know! I guess, we need practice in the rolling part so that it looks appealing and the ingredients are located in the centre at the sushi instead at the sides

 The presentation from the group, I am totally in love on how they arrange their food! <3

All in all, good job team 6!

Tuesday 1 November 2011


Today, during Home Econs lesson was very interesting! Since the class have finished our individual microteaching, we all did scrapbooking!  I dont deny that it was very therapeutic! :) 
Definitely love today's lesson and will want to incorporate it during lessons when I am permanently posted to schools.

Below are some of the pictures taken during the lesson.

 Notice how happy and satisfied everyone looked posing with their end product! :)

There you go,  the happy faces of some of our classmates!