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The Contributors

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Storing clothes is simple... Or is it complex?

Ever had that one woollen sweater which you use only when you travel to cold countries? Or that dress which you wear only once in a blue moon? Everyone has clothes which they need to store from time to time. While this may seems like a no-brainer, there are certain tips which we can follow to ensure our clothes' quality is not compromised during storage.

1.) Store only clean and dry clothes - This may sound redundant but there are actually people who store clothes which are not thoroughly well-cleaned or dried. Sweat or dirt left on the clothes is a great attraction for pests or molds.

2.) In Singapore climate which is warm and humid, molds grow easily. To prevent, store clothes in a plastic bag with no holes. To prevent humidity, use a de-humidifier or store in a well-ventilated area.

3.) Since mothballs are toxic, consider using natural moth repellent. Lavender is actually a great moth repellent and it smells good!

4.) To remove mildew from leather, wipe them with a cloth moistened with a solution of alcohol and water, 1:1.

5.) Linen garments should be rolled up rather than folded to avoid permanent creases.

6.) Knitted and silk fabrics should be stored flat on a surface rather than hung up.

Hope you find these tips useful!
Reflection on lesson plans

Any teachers would know that before you get used to it, standing in front of a class and conducting a lesson is a nerve-wrecking experience. Most people would get nervous and when we are nervous, we forget things. This is when a good lesson plan comes in handy. When there is a solid plan for us to follow, we will be more stable and less prone to forgetting things. One important factor is to be very detailed so that it is easy to follow.

I used to think lesson plans are just something that we show our superiors to prove that we are doing our job. However this session has made me realised that a good lesson plan can be our best friend in a lesson. It can and should be very personalised because it is for ourselves. It is our lesson and how well we construct the lesson plan would directly affect the lesson. When a teacher goes into a lesson without proper planning, she is simply showing that she does not care.

However I feel that while it is good to have a plan, the reality may be different from what we imagine. Hence it is important to be flexible and always have a plan B in mind. This way, we won't be like a deer caught in the headlights when something goes out of our control.

Monday 29 August 2011

Reflection on Lesson Plan

I believe that a good lesson plan is essential to guide us through our lessons once we start teaching. After viewing a few examples of lesson plans, I somewhat have an idea how I want my lesson plan to be. In my opinon, a good lesson plan has to be practical in the duration given to carry out activities. Therefore, it is helpful if the duration and time is stated on the lesson plan and appropriate activities to be planned with the stipulated time.

Some of the lesson plans I saw, included the level of learners' ability. Knowing the learners' capability can help me prepare suitable activities appropriately so that I will have minimal problems when conducting the lesson. To anticipate the conditions of the class during the lesson is also important as I can prepare myself mentally before the lesson. Therefore, I feel that it is a good idea to include the students' anticipated response. To prepare myself further, the pre-preparation column will be a good guide to prevent any last minute problems when conducting the lesson.

Although time and duration is important to take note of, the preparation before the lesson is also crucial. With this in mind, problems can be avoided and lesson can be conducted smoothly with the lesson plan as a guide.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Reflection on Lesson Plan

I feel that a lesson plan is very useful for beginning teachers/ student teachers like us. It enable us to plan and prepare our lesson in order for our lesson to be organised and ensure students' learning to take place more effectively.

What I have learnt in the class is that I was able to differentiate between General Objectives (GO) and Specific Instructional Objectives (SIO). The difference between the two is that SIO can be use to assess the students learning. Also, in the lesson plan, it is wise to include the duration rather than the specific allocated time. We also have to always keep in mind the behavior of the class when we planning for the lesson. Example, the duration to get the class to setting down before lesson for the well behave class would be shorter than the noisier class likewise when planning the activities for the class.

Personally, it is always good to include dialogue as a beginning teacher because I have difficulties in speaking fluently. Also, I would also want to include to-do-list in my lesson plan such as "Praising the students if they have answered correctly" etc.

I have also learnt in the class that summaries can be included in the mids of a lesson not necessary the end of the class. And the difference between a summary of a topic is different from a closure of a class. Usually a closure of a class is for the reminding of students what to bring or do for the next lesson before the lesson ends. The most importantly thing that I have learnt is that teacher should always related or interlink the topic of a lesson to their life and get them to understand how they can apply it to their daily life. Instead of just teaching theories, teachers should give more examples to the students.

Oh no! How to get rid of coffee stain?

Have you ever been in a situation where you were having your cup of coffee and it just accidentally spilled onto your white shirt? Worst thing is that, it is your favorite shirt and your tried all sort of method to wash the coffee stain off but is of no use?

Here this is a method you can try.


You will need:
- 1 tsp of white vinegar
- 1 qt of cold water
- 1 sponge
- 1 soft cloth


1. Mix the white vinegar and the cold water together.
2. Pour some vinegar solution onto the sponge and pat the part of your shirt that has the coffee stain.
3. Wipe off the vinegar mixture on the stained fabric with the soft cloth.
4. Ensure that the coffee stain is removed before putting it to dry otherwise, repeat the above process.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Textile Issues & Consumer Review

A)   Clothings and textiles issues
During my younger days, whenever I went over to my aunt place, I always see her knitting using the needles and yarns.  And I would always wonder what would the end product be. ‘Cardigan.’ She would say. Fast forward to few years later, I saw MANGO was selling something similar to what my aunt has been doing. It was a knitted cardigan! I simply love how it keeps we warm when it was a rainy day.
Never did I know that knitted clothing’s are to be necessary taken care of. They are constructed with a chain of loops that if produced from a single thread by means of hook. These interlocking loops permit the fabric to stretch in any direction. With that, I simply placed the cardigan in the washing machine  and simply wrung it and hang it dry in the sun. It was a totally a big mistake because after that, my knitted cardigan expanded in size!  Since then, I began to take extra care in washing my knitted clothing’s.

reference :

Write a consumer review for an online shop for clothes and accessories. You may wish to refer to samples of similar consumer reviews / ratings online and plan your review.

The online shop that I am going to showcase is .  I once bought their clothes as a gift for a friend of mine. She was in love with the quality of the clothes despite the affordable price! Eversince then, my friend have been buying clothes from that blogshop as what she would always quote, “ what you see in the net, is really what you get.’
I also tried buying their accessories which is the lotus bangle. I simply love the service they gave which gave me the details of the bangles, such as the circumference size, and even fashion tips on what clothes to match it with!  In all, I would say that this online shop is a reliable one as it is registered and they provide excellent tip-top service!

Discuss how this website can be used for teaching C & T lessons
The good thing about this website is that for apparels, they showcase different fabric materials from chiffon, knitted cardigan, polyester and even cotton lycra! Besides the materials, the designs and patterns come in different form. This is definitely a good website to be incorporated into lessons.
Teachers are able to show students how a certain fabric and design/pattern are suitable for a certain groups of people and allow the students to see how a certain kind of fabric would look like in the end product. (eg : flowy, stiff, )

Besides that, it was such a breeze to navigate into their new collections! One main thing I like was that if we were to view their online clothes, at the end of the entry, there is this ‘ what you might also like’ entries included! We would be able to have a variety of clothes to choose from!

Wednesday 24 August 2011



This particular blog shop is outstanding and attractive. The model and the apparels are very pleasing to consumers eye. Also, the blog is easy to navigate which is important for the costumers to view their pages. This blog shop looks professional and could tell that the person who set up this blog shop has put alot of effort in making the blog shop visually attractive. The apparels selected are also unique and nice. There are alot of blog shop being set up in the net. Hence, it is very important that the selection of clothes are unique as it would enable them to stand out from the others.

The photos taken are very professional and they make the effort to travel around, taking different scenery's for a better portray of the apparels. They also edited their photos for a better visual effects. Thus, they even mix and match the apparels with accessories and shoes. This would help costumers to have some idea of matching clothes to enhance the whole image.

How to iincorporation website to Craft and Technology lesson?

To make lesson interesting, we can show the blog shop to the class by the flashing of the review to the students. With the reference of these reviews, to discuss if they were the consumers will they make any purchase from the blogshop? This will stimulate their thinking of a consumer in the making of decisions. Also, to teach them about the topic of informed choices as a consumer.
Online shopping website review


ClubCouture is one of my favourite online shopping websites. I like how all their items are very well organised and categorised. Other than just the common categorisation of Tops, Dresses, Accessories and so on, they also further categorised each section of clothing according to their style and color. This makes it very convenient for us when we are just looking for a specific type of clothing, rather than having to search through everything.

I am very impressed with their customer service too. One of the problem we face when doing online shopping is that we only realise that the apparel does not look good on us when we have received and tried it on. ClubCouture offers a fantastic no-questions-asked exchange policy as long as it is within a week of receiving the apparel and the tags are all still intact. I have exchanged one of the dress I bought from them for a jumper and though they took a slightly longer time to process the exchange request, it was indeed "no-questions-asked"!

How to incorporate website into Craft & Tech lessons:

1.) Each of the apparel comes with a short description of the material used and cleaning instructions. Teachers can show students how certain textiles look when used on "real clothing" rather than just showing them bits of pieces of fabric. If the students already have prior knowledge of textiles, they can be asked to identify the materials instead. When going through the pictures, teachers can also give some tips on how the different apparels can be wore or what type of body shapes do the apparel suits. Students at the adolescent stage are usually concerned about looking good hence this will get them engaged.

2.) The website also gives clear and specific instructions on how to clean and dry every piece of apparel for e.g. "hand wash cold, hang or line dry" . This can be incorporated into the topic of caring for apparels by pointing out to students how different materials have different washing and drying instructions.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Review On Online Shopping Website

Online Shopping Website:

Hi! I am very impressed with your website. Although I am not very familiar with online shopping, I was able to order the items from your website with minimal problems. Thanks to your tabs (eg. New Arrivals, What's Available, Backorders), I was able to browse for what I need easily. Shopping was even easier with the availability of your shopping carts. I did not need to keep on checking my mails just to liaise with you for orders. It really saved me all the hassle! I am also very pleased with the FAQs page that you have included as it helped me solve all my doubts. Every information in the website is very comprehensive and precise. Well done!

Incorporation of website to Craft and Technology lesson:

1) Students will view the website and comment on whether the website is consumer-friendly. Students need to identify the special features on the website that allows the consumer to communicate (purchase, complain, etc) with the shop owner easily. Students are to suggest what other features can be added to the website to enhance convenience for consumers to shop this online store.

2) Before performing simple maintenance procedures, for example, mending hems, sewing buttons, diifferents stitches, they can view the website. I can show the students how they can incorporate the simple maintenance procedures to transform a plain clothing into something more trendy. Students can search for ideas from the website since the clothes are updated with the latest trends.

Sunday 21 August 2011

They Don't Go Well Together... Or Do They?

"Since my top is striped, I'll wear this plain black pants. I don't want to look like a clown". Often, this is what I tell myself when searching for clothes to wear and I'm sure most of the people share this same habit. We were either taught or given the impression that a polka-dotted shirt does not go well with a striped skirt or even a pair of checkered shoes. It was embedded in our minds that clothes with prints MUST be paired with a plain garment.

However, clothes are worn differently nowadays. People do not wear boots only when it is raining and they do not wear coats only when it is snowing. Clothes we wear are getting more personalized day by day. Some may look ridiculous with mismatched clothing but some surprisingly may look unique, in a good way. The concepts related to clothings change with time. There is no "rule" that says a blue shirt cannot be worn with a blue denim and there is no "thin" line that separates a larger striped shirt with a pair of smaller striped pants. People set their own fashion and wear what they think represents them.

So is mismatch the new black?

Photos courtesy of: